Me buzëqeshjen rrezatuese që nuk e humbi kurrë, këto janë 70 fotografitë ikonike të Mbretëreshës Elizabeth II

8 Shtator, 2022 - 10:45 pm

Mbretëresha Elizabeth II pati një karrierë të gjatë dhe plot ngjyra në të cilën ajo udhëtoi nëpër botë dhe u takua me njerëzit më të famshëm, më të fuqishëm dhe me ndikim, transmeton KultPlus.

Ajo theu një numër rekordesh gjatë mbi 70 viteve të saj në fron, duke u bërë monarkja më jetëgjatë në botë.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary lindi në prill 1926. Mbretëresha ishte vetëm 27 vjeçe në kohën e kurorëzimit të saj në 1953.

Ajo punoi me 15 kryeministra ndërsa kryente vizita jashtë shtetit dhe detyra mbretërore në shtëpi – të gjitha duke rritur një familje.

Autori mbretëror Bryan Kozlowski tregoi për një “transformim personal” që mbretëresha përjetoi me marrjen e detyrës, pasi më parë ishte “e turpshme dhe e mbushur me dyshime” për papërvojën e saj.

Në librin e tij, “Long Live the Queen! 13 Rules for Living from Britain’s Longest Reigning Monarch”, ai shkruan se si Elizabeta i tha një shoqeje se ajo ‘nuk ishte më në ankth’ dhe se kishte ‘humbur gjithë ndrojtje’ për t’u bërë sovrane.

Duke parë fotografitë e bëra gjatë karrierës së saj – kjo tregon vërtet – pasi Mbretëresha ishte e njohur për energjinë e saj dhe buzëqeshjen e saj plot rrezatim – për të mos përmendur veshjet e saj shumëngjyrëshe.

Duke pasur një jetë kaq të plotë, ishte e vështirë të zgjedhësh nga pikat kryesore, por shpresojmë që gjithsej shtatëdhjetë fotografitë nga çdo dekadë e mbretërimit të saj të bëjnë drejtësi ndaj rrugëtimit mbresëlënës në karrierë. /

21st October 1950: Princess Elizabeth with her baby daughter Princess Anne who is wearing the Royal christening robe made of Honiton lace. (Photo by Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Princesha Elizabeth e fotografuar në vitin 1950 me vajzën e saj të vogël, Princeshën Anne, e veshur me mantelin mbretëror të pagëzimit të bërë nga dantella Honiton (Foto: Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM - MARCH 23: London, Princess Elizabeth Greeting Winston Churchill At Guildhall. March 23Rd 1950 (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
Princesha Elizabeth përshëndet Winston Churchill në Guildhall të Londrës në vitin 1950, ndërsa kryeministri Clement Atlee dhe gruaja e tij shikojnë (Foto: Getty Images)
25th December 1952: Queen Elizabeth II making her first ever Christmas broadcast to the nation from Sandringham House, Norfolk. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha bën transmetimin e saj të parë të ditës së Krishtlindjes për kombin në 1952 (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II after her coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey, London. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Më 2 qershor 1953, Mbretëresha Elizabeth II u kurorëzua në Westminster Abbey – ishte e para që u transmetua në televizion dhe u shikua nga 27 milionë njerëz vetëm në MB (Foto: Getty Images)
2nd June 1953: The newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II waves to the crowd from the balcony at Buckingham Palace. Her children Prince Charles and Princess Anne stand with her. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Një mbretëreshë e sapo kurorëzuar përshëndet turmën nga ballkoni i Pallatit Buckingham (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh on the day of their coronation, Buckingham Palace, 1953. (Colorised black and white print). Artist Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/Getty Images)
Duka i Edinburgut dhe Mbretëresha përshëndesin publikun pas ceremonisë (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II After Her Coronation
Mbretëresha vesh kurorën e shtetit perandorak dhe mban bizhuteritë e kurorës (Foto: Arkivi Bettmann)
1/24/1955- Queen Elizabeth II wearing crown. Portrait. UPI color slides.
Mbretëresha pozon e veshur me një kurorë dhe brez zyrtar në 1955 (Foto: Arkivi Bettmann)
President Eisenhower (centre) with the British Royal family (L-R) Prince Philip, Princess Anne, HM Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and Captain John Eisenhower, at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, September 1959. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Presidenti i SHBA Eisenhower (në mes) me anëtarët e familjes mbretërore (majtas në të djathtë) Princi Philip, Princesha Anne, Mbretëresha, Princi Charles dhe kapiteni John Eisenhower, në Kalanë Balmoral, Skoci (Foto: Getty Images)
circa 1955: Studio portrait of Queen Elizabeth II holding a fan while wearing a brocade dress. She is also wearing a sash and the star of the Order of the Garter, a necklace given to her by Nizam of Hyderabad, and a diamond bracelet, a gift from the Duke of Edinburgh. Her diamond and pearl tiara were worn by Queens of England since Queen Victoria. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Një portret në studio i vitit 1955 i Mbretëreshës duke mbajtur një flladitëse ndërsa kishte veshur një fustan brokadë, një brez, një byzylyk diamanti që iu dha nga Princi Philip dhe ylli i Urdhrit të Garter – një gjerdan i dhënë asaj nga Nizam i Hyderabad. Diadema e saj me diamant dhe perla ishte veshur më parë nga Mbretëresha Victoria (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON - DECEMBER 1958: Queen Elizabeth II poses for a portrait at home in Buckingham Palace in December 1958 in London, England. (Photo by Donald McKague/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha ishte e njohur për buzëqeshjen e saj, siç mund të shihet në këtë portret në Pallatin Buckingham në dhjetor 1958 (Foto: Getty Images)
President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy pay a visit to the royal family in England. (L-R): John F. Kennedy; Queen Elizabeth II; Jackie Kennedy, and Prince Philip.
Presidenti John F. Kennedy dhe Zonja e Parë Jackie Kennedy bëjnë një vizitë në Pallatin Buckingham për herë të parë në 1961 (Foto: Arkivi Bettmann)
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain presenting the Jules Rimet trophy to the England captain, Bobby Moore, after the teams World Cup final victory over West Germany. Geoff Hurst, who scored a hat-trick in the game stands behind Moore, and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, looks on. (Photo by Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Kapiteni i Anglisë Bobby Moore prezantohet në Kupën e Botës 1966 pas fitores së vendit ndaj Gjermanisë Perëndimore (Foto: Getty Images)
The Queen during the 1966 State Opening of Parliament. (Photo by ?? Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)
Mbretëresha gjatë hapjes shtetërore të Parlamentit të vitit 1966. Ajo kishte hapur çdo seancë të Parlamentit që nga ardhja në fron, përveç në 1959 dhe 1963 kur ishte shtatzënë me Princin Andrew dhe Princin Edward, respektivisht (Foto: Getty Images)
31st October 1967: Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Charles at the state opening of Parliament. (Photo by George Freston/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Madhërisë së saj i bashkohet Duka i Edinburgut gjatë hapjes shtetërore në tetor 1967 – ceremonia ka ndryshuar shumë pak gjatë gjithë mbretërimit të saj (Foto: Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 01: On April 20, 1968, Prince PHILIP, perched on his Jeep, points out one of the racehorses during the competition taking place on the Duke of BEAUFORT's estate. The Queen watches the race through binoculars. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
I vendosur në çatinë e një ‘Jeep’, Princi Philip tregon një nga kuajt e garës gjatë një konkursi në pasurinë e Dukës së Beaufort ndërsa Mbretëresha shikon duke përdorur dylbi (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II with U.S President Richard Nixon (1913 - 1994) followed by Princes Philip and Charles, 1969. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Shoqëruar nga Princi Philip dhe Princi Charles, Presidenti Nixon viziton Mbretëreshën në Pallatin Buckingham në 1969, një muaj pas inaugurimit të tij (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II lunches with Prince Philip and their children Princess Anne and Prince Charles at Windsor Castle in Berkshire, circa 1969. A camera (left) is set up to film for Richard Cawston's BBC documentary 'Royal Family', which followed the Royal Family over a period of a year and was broadcast on 21st June 1969. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha drekon me Princin Philip dhe fëmijët e tyre, Princeshën Anne dhe Princin Charles në Kështjellën Windsor në 1969 (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II travels on a tube train after the official opening ceremony of London Underground's Victoria Line, 7th March 1969. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Madhëria e saj udhëton në Viktoria Line në Mars 1969 për të shënuar hapjen zyrtare (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II with British Prime Minister Harold Wilson (1916 - 1995), June 1969. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha duket e lumtur kur pa kryeministrin Harold Wilson në qershor 1969 (Foto: Getty Images)
1st July 1969: Queen Elizabeth II crowns her son Charles, Prince of Wales, during his investiture ceremony at Caernarvon Castle. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Më 1 korrik 1969, Mbretëresha kurorëzon djalin e saj Charles, Princin e Uellsit, në ceremoninë në Kalanë Caernarvon (Foto: Getty Images)
1969: The royal family at Windsor, (from left) Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, Princess Anne, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
(Nga e majta) Princi Charles, Duka i Edinburgut, Princesha Anne, Mbretëresha, Princi Philip dhe Princi Andrew (Foto: Getty Images)
(Original Caption) Sandringham, Norfolk, England, UK: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II smiles radiantly during a picture-taking session in the salon at Sandringham House. Her pet dog looks up at her. These photos were taken in connection with the royal Family's planned tour of Australia and New Zealand.
Mbretëresha buzëqesh plot rrezatim me një nga ‘korgjit’ e saj të shumta në sallonin e Sandringham House në 1970 (Foto: Arkivi Bettmann)
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh on the occasion of their 25th silver wedding anniversary celebrations held at Buckingham Palace, 20th November 1972. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Princi Philip dhe Mbretëresha festojnë 25 vjetorin e martesës në Pallatin Buckingham më 20 nëntor 1972 (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at Balmoral, Scotland, 1972. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha dhe Princi Philip pozojnë pranë fshatit piktoresk të Balmoral (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II with British Prime Minister Edward Heath (1916 - 2005) at Heathrow Airport, London, 28th January 1974. The Queen is about to take a flight to Canada. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Kryeministri Edward Heath takon Mbretëreshën në Aeroportin Heathrow në janar 1974 (Foto: Getty Images)
ABERDEEN;SCOTLAND - 1974: Queen Elizabeth ll arrives at Aberdeen Airport with her corgis to start her holidays in Balmoral, Scotland in 1974. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha mbërrin në Aeroportin Aberdeen, me qen në tërheqje, për të filluar pushimet e saj në Balmoral në 1974 (Foto: Getty Images)
Prince Charles and his fiancee Lady Diana Spencer with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace, 7th March 1981. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Princi Charles, e fejuara e tij Lady Diana Spencer dhe Mbretëresha buzëqeshin për kamerën në Pallatin Buckingham më 7 Mars 1981 (Foto: Getty Images)
The Prince and Princess of Wales pose on the balcony of Buckingham Palace on their wedding day, with the Queen and some of the bridesmaids, 29th July 1981. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)
Princi dhe Princesha e Uellsit pozojnë nga ballkoni i Pallatit Buckingham në ditën e tyre të dasmës më 29 korrik 1981 (Foto: Getty Images)
The Queen And Prince Philip Chatting Together During The Royal Windsor Horse Show In The Grounds Of Windsor Castle, May 16, 1982. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Mbretëresha dhe Princi Philip bisedojnë së bashku në shfaqjen Royal Windsor Horse Show në mjediset e Kështjellës Windsor më 16 maj 1982 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 28: Historic Meeting Pope John Paul II, Head Of The Catholic Church, Visiting The Queen, Head Of The Church Of England, At Buckingham Palace (exact Day Date Not Certain) (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Papa Gjon Pali përshëndetet nga Mbretëresha – kreu i Kishës së Anglisë – në Buckingham Place në 1982 (Foto: Getty Images)
The Princess of Wales and the Queen attend the Opening of Parliament in London, November 1982. Diana is wearing a white fur coat and the Spencer tiara. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)
Princesha Diana dhe Mbretëresha hipin në një karrocë për në Hapjen e Parlamentit në Nëntor 1982 (Foto: Getty Images)
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 07: The Queen Sharing A Joke With President Ronald Reagan During A Banquet At Windsor Castle. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Presidenti i SHBA buzëqesh me Mbretëreshën gjatë një banketi të vitit 1983 në Kështjellën Windsor (Foto: Getty Images)
President Reagan laughs following a joke by Queen Elizabeth II, who commented on the lousy California weather she has experienced since her arrival to the States. The British Queen is delivering a brief address during a state dinner held at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)
Një vit më pas, Mbretëresha fluturoi në San Francisko dhe e “goditi” Reganin, duke thënë: “E dija që përpara se të vinim se kishim eksportuar shumë nga traditat tona në Shtetet e Bashkuara. Por nuk e kisha kuptuar më parë se moti ishte një prej tyre” (Foto: Getty Images)
The Queen at 10 Downing Street to celebrate 250 years of it being the official residence of the British Prime Minister, with leaders past and present (l to r) James Callaghan, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Margaret Thatcher, Harold Macmillan, Harold Wilson and Ted Heath. (Photo by ?? Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)
Mbretëresha feston 250 vjetorin e numrit 10 si rezidenca zyrtare e Kryeministrit në vitin 1985 – të cilëve iu bashkuan liderët e kaluar dhe të tanishëm (nga e majta në të djathtë) James Callaghan, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Margaret Thatcher, Harold Macmillan, Harold Wilson dhe Ted Heath. (Foto: Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM - 29TH APRIL 1986: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Diana attend the funeral of the Duchess of Windsor, widow of Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII (Photo by Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha, Princi Philip, Princi Charles dhe Princesha Diana marrin pjesë në funeralin e Wallis Simpson, Dukeshës së Windsor, në 1986 (Foto: Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 17: Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Diana Princess of Wales and Prince William stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for Trooping The Colour. Hat by Philip Somerville. (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Princesha Diana, Princi William, Princi Charles, Mbretëresha dhe Princi Philip qëndrojnë në ballkonin e Pallatit Buckingham për “Trupat e Ngjyrave” (Foto: Getty Images)
WASHINGTON DC - MAY 14: Queen Elizabeth ll with US President George Bush on the White House lawn in Washington DC on the 14th of May 1991. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)
E veshur me një veshje ngjyrë vjollce, mbretëresha pozon me Presidentin e SHBA George Bush Sr në lëndinën e Shtëpisë së Bardhë (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II in diplomatic meeting with her Prime Minister awards John Major with an honour (Photo by ?? Pool Photograph/Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)
Kryeministrit John Major i jepet një nder gjatë një takimi diplomatik me Mbretëreshën (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - NOVEMBER 29: The Queen And Prince Philip With President Bill Clinton And His Wife Hillary At Buckingham Palace (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Mbretëresha dhe Princi Philip presin Bill dhe Hillary Clinton në Buckingham Palace në 1995 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JULY 09: The Queen With President Nelson Mandela Of South Africa In The Mall At The Beginning Of His State Visit To Britain (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
Nelson Mandela nis vizitën e tij shtetërore në Britani duke kaluar nëpër “The Mall” me Mbretëreshën në 1996 (Foto: Getty Images)
The public funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, London, UK, 6th September 1997, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Tributes to the late Princess from the public, 6th September 1997. (Photo by John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
Buqeta të panumërta me lule, letra dhe vizatime janë lënë në portat e Pallatit Buckingham për funeralin publik të Princeshës Diana (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - DECEMBER 01: The Queen At The Royal Command Performance At The Victoria Palace Theatre On 1st December 1997 Shaking Hands With Pop Star Victoria Beckham (posh Spice) Of The Pop Band The Spice Girls. (Photo by Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images)
“Spice Girls” duken të lumtura që takuan Madhërinë e Saj në Performancën e Komandës Mbretërore në 1997 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON - DECEMBER 31: Queen Elizabeth II and British Prime Minister Tony Blair raise their glasses as midnight strikes during the Opening Celebrations on December 31, 1999 at the Millennium Dome in Greenwich in London. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/Getty Images)
Tony Blair ngre një dolli me Mbretëreshën në Kupolën e Mijëvjeçarit të Londrës ndërsa ora shënon mesnatën, duke sjellë vitin 2000 (Foto: Getty Images)
WASHINGTON - MAY 07: Queen Elizabeth II waves from the balcony of the White House with President George W. Bush on May 7, 2007 in Washington, Virginia. This is the second day of a six day state visit to the United States to commemorate the 400 th anniversary of the Settlement of Jamestown. This will be the fourth time that Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh have visited the US. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha përshëndet nga ballkoni i Shtëpisë së Bardhë me Presidentin George W Bush në 2007 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON - APRIL 1: Queen Elizabeth II gestures in front of Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown (C) following a group photograph of G20 leaders at Buckingham Palace on April 1, 2009 in London, England. The delegates will later be attending a dinner at Downing Street cooked by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. (Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Udhëheqësit e G20, përfshirë kryeministrin Gordon Brown, përgatiten të pozojnë para kamerës me Mbretëreshën në vitin 2009 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON APRIL 1: US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama pose for photographs with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh during an audience at Buckingham Palace on April 1, 2009 in London, England. (Photo by John Stillwell - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Presidenti Barack Obama dhe Zonja e Parë Michelle Obama postojnë me Mbretëreshën dhe Princin Philip në Pallatin Buckingham në 2009 (Foto: Getty Images)
BLACKPOOL, UNITED KINGDOM - DECEMBER 7: Queen Elizabeth II meets singer Lady Gaga following the Royal Variety Performance on December 7, 2009 in Blackpool, England (Photo by Leon Neal/ WPA Pool /Getty Images)
Lady Gaga takohet me mbretëreshën pas performancës së saj të “Varieteteve Mbretërore” të vitit 2009 në Blackpool – ajo më vonë tha se zgjodhi fustanin e saj të kuq latex që të dukej si mbretëreshë, por me një kthesë moderne (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON - MAY 11: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II greets David Cameron at Buckingham Palace in an audience to invite him to be the next Prime Minister, on May 11, 2010 in London. After five days of negotiation a Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government has been confirmed. Gordon Brown has resigned his position and David Cameron has become the new British Prime Minister. (Photo by John Stillwell/WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha përshëndet David Cameron në Buckingham Palace për ta ftuar atë të jetë Kryeministri i ardhshëm më 11 maj 2010, pas pesë ditësh negociatash që çuan në formimin e një qeverie koalicioni (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 29: Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (C) and HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales (L), Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (2nd-L) and Queen Elizabeth II (R) depart for a procession to Buckingham Palace following the marriage of Their Royal Highnesses Prince William Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Duchess of Cambridge at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011 in London, England. The marriage of the second in line to the British throne was led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and was attended by 1900 guests, including foreign Royal family members and heads of state. Thousands of well-wishers from around the world have also flocked to London to witness the spectacle and pageantry of the Royal Wedding. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha, Princi Charles dhe Camilla, Dukesha e Cornwall, nisen për një procesion në Pallatin Buckingham pas martesës së Princit William dhe Kate Middleton në Westminster Abbey më 29 prill 2011 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 29: Queen Elizabeth II following the marriage of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011 in London, England. The marriage of the second in line to the British throne was led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and was attended by 1900 guests, including foreign Royal family members and heads of state. Thousands of well-wishers from around the world have also flocked to London to witness the spectacle and pageantry of the Royal Wedding. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
E veshur me një nga veshjet e saj të shumta me ngjyra, ajo kishte një buzëqeshje të ndezur në fytyrën e saj pasi William lidhi nyjën (Foto: Getty Images)
File photo dated 24/05/11 of Queen Elizabeth II and the then US President Barack Obama in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace, London. US President Donald Trump will be treated to a Guard of Honour when he meets Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle on Friday. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Wednesday July 11, 2018. See PA story ROYAL Trump. Photo credit should read: Chris Jackson/PA Wire
Barack Obama buzëqesh për kamerën ndërsa viziton Mbretëreshën në dhomën e muzikës të Pallatit Buckingham në 2011 (Foto: PA)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 27: Queen Elizabeth II attends the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium on July 27, 2012 in London, England. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha merr pjesë në ceremoninë e hapjes së Lojërave Olimpike në Londër 2010 më 27 korrik 2012 (Foto: Getty Images)
NOTTINGHAM, ENGLAND - JUNE 13: Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Queen Elizabeth II watch part of a children's sports event while visiting Vernon Park during a Diamond Jubilee visit to Nottingham on June 13, 2012 in Nottingham, England. (Photo by Phil Noble - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Ka pasur shumë raste që Mbretëresha e ka bërë familjen të qeshë, duke përfshirë këtë moment me Dukeshën e Kembrixhit në një ngjarje sportive për fëmijë në Vernon Park, Nottingham (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 24: Queen Elizabeth II sends her first Tweet during a visit to the 'Information Age' Exhibition at the Science Museum on October 24, 2014 in London, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha publikon postimin e saj të parë në Twitter gjatë një vizite në ekspozitën “Epoka e Informacionit” në Muzeun e Shkencës në 2014 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 13: Queen Elizabeth II welcomes Theresa May at the start of an audience where she invited the former Home Secretary to become Prime Minister and form a new government at Buckingham Palace on July 13, 2016 in London, England. Former Home Secretary Theresa May becomes the UK's second female Prime Minister after she was selected unopposed by Conservative MPs to be their new party leader. She is currently MP for Maidenhead. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Theresa May i drejtohet Mbretëreshës ndërsa ajo e fton atë të formojë një qeveri të re në korrik 2016 (Foto: Getty Images)
WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 19: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Queen Elizabeth II attends the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England. Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales marries Ms. Meghan Markle in a service at St George's Chapel inside the grounds of Windsor Castle. Among the guests were 2200 members of the public, the royal family and Ms. Markle's Mother Doria Ragland. (Photo by Pool/Max Mumby/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha merr pjesë në dasmën e Princit Harry dhe Meghan Markle në Kapelën e Shën Gjergjit më 19 maj 2018 (Foto: Getty Images)
CHESTER, ENGLAND - JUNE 14: Queen Elizabeth II sitts and laughs with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex during a ceremony to open the new Mersey Gateway Bridge on June 14, 2018 in the town of Widnes in Halton, Cheshire, England. Meghan Markle married Prince Harry last month to become The Duchess of Sussex and this is her first engagement with the Queen. During the visit the pair will open a road bridge in Widnes and visit The Storyhouse and Town Hall in Chester. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
Meghan dhe Mbretëresha ndajnë një të qeshur gjatë një ceremonie për hapjen e urës Mersey Gateway në Widnes, Cheshire në qershor 2018 (Foto: Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II stands with US President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, in the Grand Corridor during their visit to Windsor Castle in Berkshire. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Friday July 13, 2018. See PA story POLITICS Trump. Photo credit should read: Steve Parsons/PA Wire
Mbretëresha qëndron me Donald dhe Melania Trump në Korridorin e Madh gjatë vizitës së tyre në Kështjellën Windsor në korrik 2018 (Foto: PA)
Princi Philip dhe Mbretëresha në dasmën e Princeshës Eugenie dhe Jack Brooksbank në Kapelën e Shën Gjergjit, Kështjella Windsor në tetor 2018 (Foto: PA)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 03: (L-R) Queen Elizabeth II (C), poses for a photo with U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and First Lady Melania Trump (R) ahead of a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace on June 3, 2019 in London, England. President Trump's three-day state visit will include lunch with the Queen, and a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace, as well as business meetings with the Prime Minister and the Duke of York, before travelling to Portsmouth to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. (Photo by Alastair Grant - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Trump-ët u kthyen vitin e ardhshëm për një vizitë shtetërore tre-ditore – ftesa ishte e diskutueshme mes shumë deputetëve që kundërshtonin ‘retorikën e tij raciste dhe mizogjene’ dhe ndalimin e tij për imigracionin nga vendet kryesisht myslimane (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 03: U.S. President Donald Trump and Queen Elizabeth II make a toast during a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace on June 3, 2019 in London, England. President Trump's three-day state visit will include lunch with the Queen, and a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace, as well as business meetings with the Prime Minister and the Duke of York, before travelling to Portsmouth to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. (Photo by Dominic Lipinski- WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Presidenti Trump dhe Mbretëresha bëjnë një dolli gjatë një banketi shtetëror në Pallatin Buckingham më 3 qershor 2019 (Foto: PA)
WINDSOR, ENGLAND - JULY 13: Queen Elizabeth II and President of the United States, Donald Trump walk from the Quadrangle after inspecting an honour guard at Windsor Castle on July 13, 2018 in Windsor, England. Her Majesty welcomed the President and Mrs Trump at the dais in the Quadrangle of the Castle. A Guard of Honour, formed of the Coldstream Guards, gave a Royal Salute and the US National Anthem was played. The Queen and the President inspected the Guard of Honour before watching the military march past. The President and First Lady then joined Her Majesty for tea at the Castle. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)
Donald dhe Melania Trump ecin në terrenin e Kështjellës Windsor pasi inspektuan një roje nderi (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 24: Queen Elizabeth II welcomes newly elected leader of the Conservative party, Boris Johnson during an audience where she invited him to become Prime Minister and form a new government in Buckingham Palace on July 24, 2019 in London, England. The British monarch remains politically neutral and the incoming Prime Minister visits the Palace to satisfy the Queen that they can form her government by being able to command a majority, holding the greater number of seats, in Parliament. Then the Court Circular records that a new Prime Minister has been appointed. (Photo by Victoria Jones - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Mbretëresha mirëpret Boris Johnson dhe e fton atë të formojë një qeveri të re më 24 korrik 2019 (Foto: Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 14: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, Prince of Wales during the State Opening of Parliament at the Palace of Westminster on October 14, 2019 in London, England. The Queen's speech is expected to announce plans to end the free movement of EU citizens to the UK after Brexit, new laws on crime, health and the environment. (Photo by Paul Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Princi Charles i bashkohet Mbretëreshës për hapjen shtetërore të Parlamentit në Pallatin e Westminsterit më 14 tetor 2019 (Foto: Getty Images)
epa08344672 A handout photo made available on 05 April 2020 by the Buckingham Palace of Queen Elizabeth II during her address to the nation and the Commonwealth in relation to the coronavirus epidemic. The address was recorded at Windsor Castle. **NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.** EPA/BUCKINGHAM PALACE HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
Ndërsa kombi u pajtua me vdekjet, shtrimet në spital dhe humbjen e lirive gjatë pandemisë së koronavirusit, Mbretëresha i mbajti një fjalim kombit më 5 Prill 2020 (Foto: EPA)
Queen's first Zoom call Picture: Buckingham Palace
Distancimi social i dha Mbretëreshës një mundësi për të bërë thirrjen e saj të parë Zoom – duke folur me kujdestarët për nder të ‘Javës së Kujdestarëve’ 2020
WINDSOR, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 08: Queen Elizabeth II thanks local volunteers and key workers for the work they are doing during the coronavirus pandemic and over Christmas in the quadrangle of Windsor Castle on December 8, 2020 in Windsor, England. The Queen and members of the royal family gave thanks to local volunteers and key workers for their work in helping others during the coronavirus pandemic and over Christmas at Windsor Castle in what was also the final stop for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their tour of England, Wales and Scotland. (Photo by Glyn Kirk - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Një mbretëreshë e buzëqeshur falënderon vullnetarët dhe punëtorët kryesorë për punën e tyre të palodhur gjatë pandemisë në katërkëndëshin e Kalasë Windsor në Dhjetor 2020 (Foto: Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - Queen Elizabeth II takes her seat for the funeral service of Britain's Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh inside St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in Windsor, west of London, on April 17, 2021. - Philip, who was married to Queen Elizabeth II for 73 years, died on April 9 aged 99 just weeks after a month-long stay in hospital for treatment to a heart condition and an infection. (Photo by Jonathan Brady / POOL / AFP) (Photo by JONATHAN BRADY/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Një nga fotot më tronditëse të Mbretëreshës – për shkak të kufizimeve të Covid-it, ajo u detyrua të ulej vetëm gjatë funeralit të Princit Philip, bashkëshorti i saj prej 73 vitesh, në prill 2021 (Foto: AFP/Getty Images)
EMBARGOED TO 0001 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 23 File photo dated 16/02/22 of Queen Elizabeth II speaking during an audience at Windsor Castle, as national charities have said they will light community beacons to honour the Queen as part of her Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June. PA Photo. Issue date: Wednesday February 23, 2022. Charities including Girlguiding, Walking with the Wounded and the National Trust will take part in the Beacons event, which is set to begin on June 2. See PA story ROYAL Jubilee. Photo credit should read: Steve Parsons/PA Wire
Mbretëresha pret një audiencë në Kështjellën Windsor ndërsa takohet me Sekretarët e Shërbimit të Mbrojtjes në hyrje dhe në dalje (Foto: PA)


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